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 This is a true story - a story of the fierce and proud Aguaruna of Northern Peru. Hidden in the jungles of the Amazon for centuries - from before the Incas, and long before the Spaniards - the Aguaruna suddenly found themselves thrown into a strange new world, a world of bulldozers and oil pipelines, of bi-lingual schools and agricultural co-ops. Where once they killed at will for revenge, now they must sit side by side with there enemies to learn to read.


 The Aguaruna were like clay pots. Caught on a potter's wheel of violent cultural change, they were molded and shaped by outside pressures sometimes gently , but more often , ruthlessly . some changes were forced upon them, others chosen by them.


 In the mist of these changes was Mildred Larson, Wycliffe Bible Translater. Her task was to record and analyze the highly complex Aguraruna language. Should she purposely encourage this rapid change? Try to stop it? Stand back and watch?


 The revenge killings and the sickness - surely they should be changed. But in spit of her own cultural conditioning, Millie began to suspect that there were forces at work far more powerful than germs and ignorance. And her faith seemed ni match forthese forces.


 She was to learn much from Alias, Dantuchu, Nelson and Julia, David . . .first generation believers in Jesus Christ. Thier openness and courage and love helped t ochange Millie's faith. They stand as a challenge for us.


 Essentially, this is a story of Gods power. He is the Potter whose hands were molding and shaping the Aguaruna and Millie's into vessels that would glady recieve and pour forth His own Spirit. "For we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots . . .'"( 2 Corinthians 4:7). 



Treasure in Clay Pots


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