We believe in the Christian
doctrines expressed in the statement of faith of the
National Association of Evangelicals. We believe the
Word of God is the foundation
for our lives and service.


Larry 7 minute video

Facility Highlights

All About Heartstream
The impact of these weeks at Heartstream has eternal significance! Within our family, we have seen such beautiful restoration and healing. We came here so discouraged and wounded and we are leaving built up and filled."
-- Missionary Mom serving in Africa

Dr. Lois Dodds is President and Director of Heartstream Resources. She and her husband, Lawrence Dodds, M.D., M.P.H., served for 23 years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics, including thirteen years in the
Amazon jungle of Peru.
Larry served as physician for the members of SIL and WBT and other agencies, as
well as caring for the indigenous peoples of Peru and overseeing health training programs. He specialized in Family Practice, Public Health, Tropical Disease, and Organizational and Preventive Medicine.
Lois, a graduate of Westmont College, earned an M.A. in education, with an emphasis in human development, from Azusa Pacific University. She also earned an M.A. in confluent education at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Ph.D. in psychology and education at UCSB. She is the author of more than 15 books and over 150 articles. She served in WBT’s candidate selection and training program, Quest, for several years, and in this program and others counseled and taught nearly a thousand cross-cultural candidates. The Dodds taught in about 40 countries with Azusa Pacific University.
Lois served in Wycliffe in various support roles, including human resources and personnel, as the school and community counselor, as a high school teacher, and as a writer and editor in anthropology and linguistics.
Drs. Lois and Lawrence have presented professional papers at many World Congresses and conferences related to cross-cultural, international and humanitarian work, especially in the fields of psychology and medicine. Both Lois and Larry have served as adjunct professors in Azusa Pacific University’s overseas extension Masters Program, Operation Impact. They teach a variety of courses and subjects related to leadership, including human development, whole person studies, spiritual formation, ethics, creative leadership, and counseling. They have taught cross-cultural workers from dozens of organizations in more than thirty countries.
The Dodds have three children, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren . All three of their children have worked and lived abroad in several countries. Dr. Lawrence Dodds passed away in June 2008 due to treatment for a third fatal disease. He worked until his death, and inspired us all in more ways than we can count.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to sensitivity and safety concerns, our other staff members are not identified online.
"Thank you for providing a safe place
for us to be broken, vulnerable, and
seen. Thank you for partnering with
God to help walk us through the journey of healing and abundant life Christ has called us to walk in each day with
Him! I am thriving on the mission
field by His grace, good community,
and a good foundation that was laid
by Heartstream."
--Testimony from a Swazi Bush Nurse
"Exceeded my expectations - a totally amazing time! For me, this retreat was an answer to years and years of prayer that I would be cared for, ministered, prayed over, appreciated and healed!"
-- Worker serving in Egypt
"I think it is really rare to find a ministry that reaches out and serves us so well. They really understand our needs (having been there themselves)... I'm going back to my ministry refreshed and renewed!"
-- Program Guest
“Many counselors have climbed down in the pit with me. You are the first ones who have taught me how to climb out!”
-- Veteran missionary in depression
“This program meets some genuine needs of missionaries at a critical time in their ministry lives. Your gift will make a difference for a weary missionary who might otherwise leave the field.”
-- Program Guest
"Very rarely do you go to a retreat where you actually have time to sit and reflect and to relax with family."
-- MK, age 22
"Thank you for being God's hands and feet. May the gifts and blessings you've
poured out bless you in return and continue to give fruit."
-- Program Guest
Our Philosophy of Care
The Heartstream Model of Holistic Care is designed to serve global workers. Our emphasis is on whole person healing, restoration to service, and the promotion of healthful living. Our aim is to prolong years of ministry and increase effectiveness and vitality—to Thrive in Life and Ministry!
Heartstream Resources serves missionaries and their sending agencies in five capacities: Programs, Resources, Education, Consulting, and Training.
PROGRAMS: Our Intensive Care program invites individuals and groups to experience a deep healing process in a community setting. Corporate worship, biblical discussions, insightful teaching, personal reflection, counseling, healthy meals served family style, recreation, and congenial interaction combine to create a safe place to address matters of concern. Our Member Care Training program equips participants with essential understanding and tools for effective missionary care. For more information on these programs, click here.
RESOURCES: The Heartstream knowledge base includes books, publications, articles, videos, and tools gathered over 25 years of ministry to missionaries and global workers.
EDUCATION: Whether on location in Winston-Salem, North Carolina or in agency offices or on field locations around the world, Dr. Dodds and her staff are available to teach and equip workers and member care individuals so they can better serve and thrive in the ministry of the Gospel.
CONSULTING: Heartstream Resources provides consulting and member care audits rooted in decades of experience, education and professional qualifications to the end of improving the delivery of missionary care.
TRAINING: Our exclusive DVD training series as well as our internships and Holistic Care programs take global workers and their caregivers to the next level in professional delivery of effective missionary care.